The Fellowship Home provides a structured residential setting for men recovering from substance use disorders. We offer opportunities for growth and change in a supportive atmosphere.
Over the past 58 years we have helped thousands sustain their recovery.
Addiction is a complex disease that victimizes the individual, the family and the community. For many who are often dually addicted, brief hospitalization is not enough. There is often a long history of behavioral patterns and habits that impair personal relationships, employment and the ability to stay clean when confronted with the stresses of everyday life. For individuals in this situation, there is The Fellowship Home.
We are well known for the long-term success of our Comprehensive Relapse Prevention Program. It is a two-year program with a nine-month residency component followed by 15 months of aftercare. Our clients learn to identify the issues that led to their initial abuse of substances. They are educated about how those same issues might still jeopardize their recovery. Clients who complete the program are equipped with the ability to self-evaluate and self-counsel.
In recent years, 87% of the men who resided in The Fellowship Home more than three months were employed and able to find independent living arrangements upon leaving the Home. Over 90% were homeless, unemployed and indigent when they arrived. We consider a resident a success when he has remained abstinent from all drugs including alcohol, obtained permanent employment, established a savings plan, paid all rent and fees as prescribed, actively participated in the 12-step program (which includes meeting attendance, sponsorship, home group involvement, and working steps); and last but not least, has moved into an independent living arrangement upon graduating from The Fellowship Home.